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Social Media Addiction Leads

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Social Media Addiction Legal Leads

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Quality Guarantee

All of our Social Media Addiction Live Transfer Leads come with the following guarantees, or your lead will be replaced at no additional cost.

Our Social Media Addiction Legal Lead Guarantee

Client has a qualifying medical condition.


Client was exposed to or developed a Social Media Addiction.


Diagnosed with qualifying medical diagnosis after developing a Social Media Addiction


Not working with any other attorneys.


100% exclusive to your company – never resold!


100% Opt-In TCPA Compliant

100%Satisfaction Guarantee

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Social Media Addiction Legal Leads For Fair Social Media Addiction Compensation

Overuse of social media platforms has been linked to a range of mental health challenges, including heightened levels of depression, anxiety, the development of eating disorders, diminished self-esteem, increased likelihood of self-harm, and even elevated suicide rates. The question of what leads to social media addiction is critical, as it often starts with compulsive use and dependency. Regrettably, the impact of social media addiction is most pronounced among children and adolescents, who are particularly susceptible to these harmful effects. As a result, many young adults and families are seeking legal recourse by filing Compulsive Social Media Use Lawsuits against social media companies. At The Legal Leads, we specialize in generating high-quality Social Media Addiction Legal Leads for claimants who have suffered from the side effects of social media addiction. Our team is dedicated to helping those affected understand how can social media lead to addiction and what can social media addiction lead to. Our trained intake agents contact potential claimants and guide them through a thorough pre-qualification application tailored to your firm’s criteria. Once the information is verified by our in-house quality control department, we transfer the leads to your firm. This stringent process ensures that we deliver only the most qualified Social Media Addiction Legal Leads, leaving no room for unqualified leads.

Why Choose The Legal Leads For Social Media Dependency Legal Claims?

Choosing The Legal Leads means opting for a meticulous verification process that ensures our leads align with the specific criteria most law firms require. This rigorous screening significantly enhances the success rate for your cases, particularly in the realm of Social Media Dependency Legal Claims and Social Media Mental Health Legal Support. We specialize in offering live transfer leads and operate on a cost-per-acquisition (CPA) model, helping to minimize the cost of acquiring low-quality leads. Additionally, we provide guaranteed filters to ensure that your firm receives only the highest quality Social Media Addiction Legal Assistance leads. No matter, if you're pursuing Social Media Addiction Compensation claims or offering Social Media Addiction Legal Support, The Legal Leads, is committed to providing the best leads to support your success.

Our Process

How It Works

100% Exclusive Social Media Addiction Leads


Through the various means of marketing we deploy, including landing pages, radio, tv, & social media, we receive the initial inquiry from the potential client.


Depending on the tort, our trained intake agents run the potential client through an extensive intake form.


The potential clients is then transferred to our in-house quality control department to verify that all information on the intake form is correct.


Your team will then receive the live-transfer lead via email, API Configuration, or post URL

Live-Transfer Leads


mail icon

Leads will be instantly delivered to your email of choosing.

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API Configuration

Fully integrate the process of acquiring leads with your API.

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Post URL

Deliver new leads via HTTP POST to a URL of your choosing.

Social Media Addiction Legal Leads

15 Question Intake Form

All of our Social Media Addiction Live Transfer Leads come with a rigorous, fully-customizable 15 question intake form mini application. Here is a sample of an intake form for these Social Media Addiction legal leads.

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Custom intake form - Use you firm’s intake!

Social Media Mental Health Legal Support

What is Social Media Addiction?

Social media addiction is a behavioral addiction characterized by an uncontrollable and excessive use of social media, which can negatively impact various aspects of a person's life. Individuals with social media addiction may feel an intense urge to constantly log in and engage with social media platforms, spending excessive amounts of time online. They may also exhibit a heightened preoccupation with social media and struggle to abstain from its use, even when it interferes with their daily responsibilities and well-being.

Social Media Addiction Side Effects

Adolescents and teenagers are grappling with the pervasive effects of excessive social media usage, which is impacting their daily lives in both mental and physical ways. This addiction has led to a surge in mental health concerns, including depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and disrupted sleep patterns among the younger demographic. The adverse impact of social media addiction has been so profound that it has driven some individuals to resort to self-harm and tragically, even suicide.

Some other side effects of social media addiction include:

1. Neglecting real-life responsibilities and activities that were once enjoyed, such as hobbies or social engagements.

2. Difficulty in limiting or stopping the use of social media, even when it interferes with other obligations.

3. Experiencing anger or distress when unable to access or use social media.

4. Constantly thinking about or being preoccupied with social media.

5. Engaging in secret or hidden use of social media to the detriment of other activities.

6. Experiencing disruptions in sleep, eating, and exercise as a result of excessive social media use.


Defendants in the Social Media Lawsuit

Social media companies and their parent companies are frequently sued in cases pertaining to social media addiction. The defendants in these lawsuits include:

  • Facebook and Instagram, which are Meta Platforms, Inc.
  • TikTok (ByteDance)
  • Snapchat (Snap Inc.)
  • YouTube and Google

In the previous year, a total of over 80 legal cases brought against various social media companies were consolidated into a single multidistrict litigation. The preeminent focus of the majority of these cases was directed at Meta's platforms, specifically Facebook and Instagram, for their alleged role in fostering adolescent addiction issues.


About the Social Media Addiction Lawsuit

Individuals who want to pursue a social media addiction lawsuit often need to establish the following elements:

  • They or their child is addicted to social media, including Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, or Facebook
  • They have suffered psychological or physical harm due to the addiction
  • They have received treatment for harm related to social media use
  • They were under 25 years old when the addiction started

For those interested in pursuing these cases, securing Social Media Addiction Leads and Social Media Addiction Legal Leads can be the main gate to building a strong and compelling case.


Social Media Addiction Lawsuit Update 2024

July 2024

On July 30, 2024, the Senate passed the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), aiming to address the concerns related to the safety of young users on social media platforms. If enacted into law, KOSA will require social media companies to implement a statutory duty of care to protect children from potential harm, strengthening the legal standing for individuals filing lawsuits related to harm caused to youth on these platforms. By specifically outlining the measures that social media companies must take to mitigate harm to young users, KOSA seeks to establish clear and enforceable standards. This codification of harm mitigation requirements will provide plaintiffs with a defined framework to demonstrate instances where social media companies have failed to meet their legal obligations to protect minors from harm.

June 2024

In June 2024, various courts have issued rulings allowing the progression of numerous lawsuits related to social media addiction, specifically concerning children and teenagers. These legal actions claim that widely used social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook pose substantial and enduring health risks for young individuals. The allegations suggest that social media usage can lead to a range of serious issues, including obesity, cyberbullying, eating disorders, depression, sleep disturbances, anxiety, self-harm, and even suicide. Furthermore, the lawsuits assert that social media companies employ sophisticated algorithms to personalize each user's experience, resulting in a continuous cycle of engagement and the collection of user data

Social Media Addiction Compensation
Custom-Built Campaigns

Customization Options: Building Campaigns Your Way

Explore the limitless potential of your legal marketing strategy with our diverse customization options. From tailoring Google and Facebook ads campaigns to match your brand and objectives, to crafting precision messages that resonate with your target audience.


Customize campaigns to align with your goals.


Personalize campaigns to fit your budget.


Target keywords that matter most to you.


Focus on specific regions that are key to your practice.


Customize reporting for insights that matter.


Our Pricing Models

Our tailored pricing options are designed to fit your legal lead generation needs.

Pre-Screened Calls on a CPA Model (Cost-Per-Acquisition)

The CPA model is ideal for firms looking to minimize risk and maximize conversion rates. With this model, you invest in verified results, ensuring your marketing budget is spent on positive outcomes.

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You only pay for leads that convert into signed clients!


We aim for 60-80% conversion rates.

Pre-Screened Calls on a CPQT Model (Cost-Per-Qualified-Transfers)

The CPQT model focuses on providing you with leads that precisely match your specified criteria. You are only charged when a caller meets your exact requirements, ensuring high relevance and quality.

Get Started

There is a 5-day return window for leads that do not meet your criteria.


You only pay when a caller meets your exact criteria requirements.

Most Popular

Three-Step Lead Verification Process



Initial Inquiry and Certification

Upon inquiry, leads undergo a preliminary check using lead certification technologies such as Jornaya and TrustedForm.



Email and Information Confirmation

Following their initial interaction, leads are prompted via email and on our thank-you pages to verify their email addresses and the accuracy of their submitted information.



Final Verification

Before a lead is passed to our clients, it undergoes a final verification where the lead confirms their eligibility criteria, such as their diagnosis, via a comprehensive verification form.

Ensuring Quality and Compliance

Each step in our process is designed to build a reliable pipeline of qualified mass tort leads that meet the specific criteria of law firms. By maintaining stringent quality controls and adhering to compliance standards, we ensure that every lead provided maximizes potential case outcomes and ROI for our clients.

Social Media Addiction Legal Assistance
