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Ozempic Leads

Ozempic Legal Leads Tailored to Your Needs!

Grow your practice today with qualified Ozempic live-transfer leads!

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Live Transfer Leads

21 Questions

Intake Form

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100% Opt-in TCPA

Ozempic Legal Leads

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Live Transfer Leads

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All Qualifiers


100% Opt-in TCPA

Compliant Leads

Who We Work With

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Quality Guarantee

All of our Ozempic Live Transfer Leads come with the following guarantees, or your lead will be replaced at no additional cost.

Our Ozempic Legal Lead Guarantee

Client has a qualifying medical condition.


Client was prescribed or frequently used Ozempic for medical condition.


Diagnosed with qualifying medical diagnosis after Ozempic use


Not working with any other attorneys.


100% exclusive to your company – never resold!


100% Opt-In TCPA Compliant

100%Satisfaction Guarantee

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Ozempic Legal Leads Targeted For Effective Litigation

Individuals who have developed gastroparesis or other severe complications as a result of taking Ozempic may have the opportunity to seek financial compensation through a Ozempic lawsuit. These Ozempic legal cases fall under product liability lawsuits, where claimants allege that the manufacturers failed to adequately warn users about the potential risks associated with the drug. At The Legal Leads, we specialize in generating top-tier Ozempic legal leads and securing signed retainers for individuals who have suffered adverse effects from using Ozempic. Our Ozempic Leads are meticulously customized to fit your firm’s specific criteria and timelines, ensuring that you receive high-quality leads tailored to your needs. We understand the importance of delivering leads that are not only relevant but also actionable, helping your firm efficiently manage Ozempic injury claims. Our process begins with our trained intake agents contacting potential claimants who may be eligible for an Ozempic side effects lawsuit. These claimants are guided through a thorough pre-qualification application specifically tailored to align with your firm’s criteria. This step is crucial in filtering out unqualified leads and ensuring that only the most relevant Ozempic lawsuit leads proceed further. After the initial intake, the claimants receive a phone call from our in-house quality control department, where all the information provided is meticulously verified. This rigorous verification process ensures that we only send the highest quality Ozempic legal leads to our partners. Once the verification process is complete, the qualified leads are live-transferred to your firm via email, API configuration, or post URL, along with the individual’s application. This process guarantees that you receive Ozempic law firm leads that are not only accurate but also ready for immediate legal action. Our approach significantly minimizes the risk of unqualified leads, ensuring that your firm can focus on providing Ozempic legal representation to those in need.

Why Choose The Legal Leads For Reliable Ozempic Injury Claims?

At The Legal Leads, we take great care in verifying our Ozempic litigation leads to ensure they meet the specific criteria required by the majority of law firms. This intricate process significantly improves the success rate of your Ozempic legal cases. We offer live transfer leads using a cost-per-acquisition (CPA) model designed to reduce the cost of acquiring low-quality leads. Additionally, we provide guaranteed filters, meaning that if your Ozempic legal lead does not meet the required standards, we will replace it at no extra cost to you. Our commitment to quality and precision in Ozempic legal marketing ensures that your firm receives the best possible Ozempic legal support. Trust The Legal Leads to help you succeed in managing Ozempic lawsuit referrals and achieving optimal results for your clients.

Our Process

How It Works

100% Exclusive Ozempic Leads


Through the various means of marketing we deploy, including landing pages, radio, tv, & social media, we receive the initial inquiry from the potential client.


Depending on the tort, our trained intake agents run the potential client through an extensive intake form.


The potential clients is then transferred to our in-house quality control department to verify that all information on the intake form is correct.


Your team will then receive the live-transfer lead via email, API Configuration, or post URL

Live-Transfer Leads


mail icon

Leads will be instantly delivered to your email of choosing.

settings icon
API Configuration

Fully integrate the process of acquiring leads with your API.

links icon
Post URL

Deliver new leads via HTTP POST to a URL of your choosing.

Ozempic Legal Leads

21 Question Intake Form

All of our Ozempic Live Transfer Leads come with a rigorous, fully-customizable 21 question intake form mini application. Here is a sample of an intake form for these Ozempic legal leads.

Download Now!

Custom intake form - Use you firm’s intake!

Ozempic Lawsuit

What is Ozempic?

Ozempic, which is the brand name for semaglutide, is a prescription medication administered by injection. It is primarily used to treat type 2 diabetes in adults. Ozempic is prescribed alongside diet and exercise to help lower blood sugar levels by stimulating the pancreas to produce more insulin, thereby improving glycemic control. In addition to its glucose-lowering effects, Ozempic has been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults with type 2 diabetes and established cardiovascular disease.

Although it has not been approved for weight loss, doctors may also prescribe Ozempic to aid with the process. The drug has been found to help individuals feel satiated and better recognize when to stop eating.

Ozempic Poisoning Side Effects

While some of the most common side effects of Ozempic include vomiting, nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, and constipation. Ozempic use can result in other serious side effects, such as:

  • Thyroid tumors, including cancer
  • Pancreas inflammation
  • Vision changes
  • Low blood sugar
  • Kidney issues and failure
  • Serious allergic reactions
  • Gastrointestinal problems, including gastroparesis

Companies that Failed to Warn the Public

TNumerous legal actions have been filed against Novo Nordisk, the pharmaceutical company behind medications like Wegovy and Ozempic, and various other drug manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies promoting similar diabetes medications. These legal claims state that Ozempic and other similar drugs are associated with causing significant gastrointestinal issues such as gastroparesis. Gastroparesis is a severe and long-lasting medical condition characterized by the weakening of stomach muscles, leading to additional medical complications.

3Moreover, both Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk are implicated in these legal disputes, which allege a failure to warn consumers about the potential risks associated with using these drugs, including severe gastrointestinal problems, ileus, and stomach paralysis. The lawsuits also allege that, in addition to other legal claims, Novo Nordisk's marketing for its semaglutide drugs involved making deceptive or false statements about the drugs.


About the Ozempic Lawsuit

To pursue legal action against Ozempic, individuals must provide evidence that they consumed Ozempic or similar medications and that this resulted in an adverse health condition or injury, such as ileus, gastroparesis, or gastric intestinal obstruction either during the course of treatment or within 30 days of initiating the medication. Additionally, they will need to demonstrate that they sought medical help, either by visiting the emergency room, being hospitalized, or consulting a gastroenterologist due to these conditions. Ozempic lawsuits generally stem from product liability claims, which hold the manufacturers accountable for injuries caused by their products. Plaintiffs may claim that Novo Nordisk, the manufacturer of Ozempic, failed to adequately caution patients and healthcare providers about the potential risks associated with the drug.


Ozempic Lawsuit Update 2024

JJuly 2024

As of July 2024, in the Ozempic multi-district litigation (MDL), the presiding judge has issued an order requiring all plaintiffs to furnish a comprehensive fact sheet to the court after filing their initial complaints. This fact sheet, totaling 17 pages, necessitates specific details such as the type of diabetes or weight loss drug used, the nature of injuries sustained, and whether the plaintiffs are seeking economic damages, non-economic damages, or both. Additionally, plaintiffs must provide numerous other specific details in the fact sheet, and failure to include essential information may lead to adverse consequences in court.

June 2024

The number of plaintiffs joining the multidistrict litigation (MDL) against Novo Nordisk continues to grow. Among the plaintiffs are individuals who used Ozempic as a weight loss medication and those who used it for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes.

Ozempic lawsuit leads
Custom-Built Campaigns

Customization Options: Building Campaigns Your Way

Explore the limitless potential of your legal marketing strategy with our diverse customization options. From tailoring Google and Facebook ads campaigns to match your brand and objectives, to crafting precision messages that resonate with your target audience.


Customize campaigns to align with your goals.


Personalize campaigns to fit your budget.


Target keywords that matter most to you.


Focus on specific regions that are key to your practice.


Customize reporting for insights that matter.


Our Pricing Models

Our tailored pricing options are designed to fit your legal lead generation needs.

Pre-Screened Calls on a CPA Model (Cost-Per-Acquisition)

The CPA model is ideal for firms looking to minimize risk and maximize conversion rates. With this model, you invest in verified results, ensuring your marketing budget is spent on positive outcomes.

Get Started

You only pay for leads that convert into signed clients!


We aim for 60-80% conversion rates.

Pre-Screened Calls on a CPQT Model (Cost-Per-Qualified-Transfers)

The CPQT model focuses on providing you with leads that precisely match your specified criteria. You are only charged when a caller meets your exact requirements, ensuring high relevance and quality.

Get Started

There is a 5-day return window for leads that do not meet your criteria.


You only pay when a caller meets your exact criteria requirements.

Most Popular

Three-Step Lead Verification Process



Initial Inquiry and Certification

Upon inquiry, leads undergo a preliminary check using lead certification technologies such as Jornaya and TrustedForm.



Email and Information Confirmation

Following their initial interaction, leads are prompted via email and on our thank-you pages to verify their email addresses and the accuracy of their submitted information.



Final Verification

Before a lead is passed to our clients, it undergoes a final verification where the lead confirms their eligibility criteria, such as their diagnosis, via a comprehensive verification form.

Ensuring Quality and Compliance

Each step in our process is designed to build a reliable pipeline of qualified mass tort leads that meet the specific criteria of law firms. By maintaining stringent quality controls and adhering to compliance standards, we ensure that every lead provided maximizes potential case outcomes and ROI for our clients.

Ozempic injury claims
