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Opioid Leads

Opioid Legal Leads Tailored to Your Needs!

Grow your practice today with qualified Opioid live-transfer leads!

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Live Transfer Leads

20 Questions

Intake Form

All Qualifiers


100% Opt-in TCPA

Opioid Legal Leads

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100% Exclusive

Live Transfer Leads

Custom Questions

Intake Form

All Qualifiers


100% Opt-in TCPA

Compliant Leads

Who We Work With

Trusted Partners

Why Us?

Quality Guarantee

All of our Opioid Live Transfer Leads come with the following guarantees, or your lead will be replaced at no additional cost.

Our Opioid Legal Lead Guarantee

Client has a qualifying medical condition.


Client prescribed Opioid and suffered an addition, dependency or related health issues.


Diagnosed with qualifying medical condition after Opioid use.


Not working with any other attorneys.


100% exclusive to your company – never resold!


100% Opt-In TCPA Compliant

100%Satisfaction Guarantee

Inquire Now

Opioid Legal Leads To Empower Your Firm with Verified Claims

The opioid crisis has become a significant public health emergency in the United States, fueled by a surge in the use of prescription opioids and compounded by the deceptive practices of opioid manufacturers. These companies, along with other involved parties, misled healthcare providers and patients about the highly addictive nature of these substances. This widespread deception resulted in an oversupply of opioids in the market, directly contributing to the crisis our nation faces today. As a result, there has been an increase in Opioid Lawsuit Leads as affected individuals seek justice and compensation. At The Legal Leads, we are dedicated to producing top Opioid Litigation Leads and signed retainers for individuals adversely impacted by the opioid crisis. Our Opioid Legal Cases leads are meticulously tailored to meet the specific criteria of your firm, ensuring a customized approach that maximizes the potential for successful litigation. The process begins with our highly trained intake agents engaging with potential claimants through a comprehensive pre-qualification application specifically designed to match your firm’s requirements. This initial step is crucial in identifying the most relevant Opioid Compensation Claims and ensuring that only the most qualified leads proceed. Following the intake, each claimant undergoes a thorough review by our in-house quality control department, which meticulously verifies all provided information. This rigorous vetting process ensures that the leads transferred to your firm are of the highest quality. Once the verification process is complete, the qualified Opioid Injury Legal Leads are promptly transferred to your firm via email, API configuration, or post URL, accompanied by the claimant’s application. This careful and methodical approach guarantees that we deliver only the most reliable Opioid Settlement Leads, significantly reducing the risk of unqualified leads.

Why Choose The Legal Leads Fpr Opioid Addiction Lawsuit cases?

At The Legal Leads, we take great care in vetting our leads to ensure they align with the specific criteria required by most law firms. Our rigorous screening process guarantees a higher success rate for your Opioid Class Action Leads and other legal cases. We specialize in live transfer leads and operate on a cost-per-acquisition (CPA) model, which is designed to reduce the cost of acquiring lower-quality leads. Additionally, we offer guaranteed filters, meaning that if your Opioid Attorney Leads fail to meet the specified criteria, we will replace them at no additional cost. Our commitment to quality ensures that your firm receives the best possible Opioid Crisis Legal Help leads, giving you the edge in pursuing justice for those affected by the opioid epidemic. Trust The Legal Leads to provide the support and high-quality leads your firm needs to succeed in navigating Opioid Addiction Lawsuit cases.

Our Process

How It Works

100% Exclusive Opioid Leads


Through the various means of marketing we deploy, including landing pages, radio, tv, & social media, we receive the initial inquiry from the potential client.


Depending on the tort, our trained intake agents run the potential client through an extensive intake form.


The potential clients is then transferred to our in-house quality control department to verify that all information on the intake form is correct.


Your team will then receive the live-transfer lead via email, API Configuration, or post URL

Live-Transfer Leads


mail icon

Leads will be instantly delivered to your email of choosing.

settings icon
API Configuration

Fully integrate the process of acquiring leads with your API.

link icon
Post URL

Deliver new leads via HTTP POST to a URL of your choosing.

Opioid Legal Leads

20 Question Intake Form

All of our Opioid Live Transfer Leads come with a rigorous, fully-customizable 20 question intake form mini application. Here is a sample of an intake form for these Opioid legal leads.

Download Now!

Custom intake form - Use you firm’s intake!

opioid lawsuits

What is Opioid?

Opioid-based drugs encompass a range of substances, from traditional options like morphine and oxycodone to synthetic narcotics such as fentanyl. They are commonly prescribed to alleviate post-surgery or post-dental procedure pain, as well as to manage severe cough or diarrhea. Additionally, heroin, an illegal drug, falls into the category of opioids.

Opioid Poisoning Side Effects

When misused, opioids can induce a sense of relaxation and intense euphoria, often leading to misuse for the purpose of achieving a "high." However, misusing opioids can have fatal consequences due to their impact on the brain's respiratory regulation.

 Symptoms of opioid overuse can include the following:

  • Changed mental status, including a decreased awareness or lack of responsiveness
  • Breathing issues
  • Loss of alertness
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Smaller pupils

Companies that Failed to Warn the Public

Numerous companies, including Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin, and its top executives, have come under scrutiny for their role in the opioid crisis. Johnson & Johnson, among other major companies such as CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, and McKesson Corporation, have also faced legal repercussions. States have alleged that these companies misrepresented the risks and benefits of their opioid products, and distributors supplied an excessive number of pills despite signs of abuse.


About the Opioid Lawsuits

Opioid lawsuits allege that opioid manufacturers are responsible for the opioid crisis due to their deceptive marketing strategies. These companies misrepresented opioids as having a low risk of addiction, emphasizing their benefits while failing to disclose the associated risks. As a result of these practices, the opioid epidemic has caused widespread harm. Consequently, multiple drug makers and distributors have been held accountable, leading to substantial settlements amounting to billions of dollars. We generate high-quality Opioid Leads and Opioid Legal Leads for law firms engaged in these significant legal battles.


Opioid Lawsuit Update 2024

June 2024

The United States Supreme Court has intervened to stop a bankruptcy settlement proposed by Purdue Pharma, the manufacturer of OxyContin, which sought to shield the affluent Sackler family from lawsuits linked to their involvement in the nation's devastating opioid crisis.

March 2024

The largest national opioid settlement to date is a substantial $26 billion agreement involving four key companies: AmerisourceBergen (Cencora), Cardinal Health, and McKesson, along with opioid manufacturer Janssen (Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine). States have also reached settlements with drug manufacturers Allergan and Teva, as well as with major retail chains Walgreens, Walmart, and CVS. However, other settlements, such as the one with OxyContin manufacturer Purdue, are still pending.

February 2024

State and local governments across the United States have been awarded substantial settlements amounting to billions of dollars from pharmaceutical companies implicated in the manufacturing, sale, or distribution of prescription painkillers. These companies have been accused of exacerbating the opioid crisis. Over the span of nearly two decades, more than a dozen companies have been obligated to remit these payments. As of late February 2024, governments have received over $4.3 billion as part of these settlements.

Opioid Lawsuit Leads
Custom-Built Campaigns

Customization Options: Building Campaigns Your Way

Explore the limitless potential of your legal marketing strategy with our diverse customization options. From tailoring Google and Facebook ads campaigns to match your brand and objectives, to crafting precision messages that resonate with your target audience.


Customize campaigns to align with your goals.


Personalize campaigns to fit your budget.


Target keywords that matter most to you.


Focus on specific regions that are key to your practice.


Customize reporting for insights that matter.


Our Pricing Models

Our tailored pricing options are designed to fit your legal lead generation needs.

Pre-Screened Calls on a CPA Model (Cost-Per-Acquisition)

The CPA model is ideal for firms looking to minimize risk and maximize conversion rates. With this model, you invest in verified results, ensuring your marketing budget is spent on positive outcomes.

Get Started

You only pay for leads that convert into signed clients!


We aim for 60-80% conversion rates.

Pre-Screened Calls on a CPQT Model (Cost-Per-Qualified-Transfers)

The CPQT model focuses on providing you with leads that precisely match your specified criteria. You are only charged when a caller meets your exact requirements, ensuring high relevance and quality.

Get Started

There is a 5-day return window for leads that do not meet your criteria.


You only pay when a caller meets your exact criteria requirements.

Most Popular

Three-Step Lead Verification Process



Initial Inquiry and Certification

Upon inquiry, leads undergo a preliminary check using lead certification technologies such as Jornaya and TrustedForm.



Email and Information Confirmation

Following their initial interaction, leads are prompted via email and on our thank-you pages to verify their email addresses and the accuracy of their submitted information.



Final Verification

Before a lead is passed to our clients, it undergoes a final verification where the lead confirms their eligibility criteria, such as their diagnosis, via a comprehensive verification form.

Ensuring Quality and Compliance

Each step in our process is designed to build a reliable pipeline of qualified mass tort leads that meet the specific criteria of law firms. By maintaining stringent quality controls and adhering to compliance standards, we ensure that every lead provided maximizes potential case outcomes and ROI for our clients.

Opioid Litigation Leads
