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AFFF Legal Leads Tailored to Your Needs!

Grow your practice today with qualified AFFF live-transfer leads!

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Live Transfer Leads

21 Questions

Intake Form

All Qualifiers


100% Opt-in TCPA

AFFF Legal Leads

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Live Transfer Leads

Custom Questions

Intake Form

All Qualifiers


100% Opt-in TCPA

Compliant Leads

Who We Work With

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Quality Guarantee

All of our AFFF Live Transfer Leads come with the following guarantees, or your lead will be replaced at no additional cost.

Our AFFF Legal Lead Guarantee

Client has a qualifying medical condition.


Client was exposed to AFFF through employment or frequent use .


Diagnosed with qualifying medical condition after exposure to AFFF


Not working with any other attorneys.


100% exclusive to your company – never resold!


100% Opt-In TCPA Compliant

100%Satisfaction Guarantee

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We Offer Premium AFFF Legal Leads Forr Attorneys Handling Cases

Research has firmly established a compelling link between the use of firefighting foam, commonly known as AFFF (Aqueous Film-Forming Foam), and the development of several serious medical conditions. This crucial finding has triggered a surge in AFFF lawsuits across the nation, with new cases surfacing on a monthly basis. A significant number of these legal claims are being pursued by military firefighters who have faced consistent exposure to hazardous chemicals found in AFFF firefighting foams during their service. At The Legal Leads, we are dedicated to generating AFFF legal leads and signed retainers for individuals who have suffered from medical conditions due to AFFF exposure. Our AFFF foam lawsuit leads are meticulously created to match your firm’s specific criteria and timelines, ensuring a customized and strategic approach to acquiring new clients. Our process begins with our skilled intake agents contacting potential claimants who may be eligible for AFFF lawsuits. These claimants are guided through a comprehensive pre-qualification application designed to align with your firm’s exact requirements. This ensures that only the most relevant and qualified leads proceed to the next stage. Once the initial intake is complete, the information undergoes a rigorous review by our in-house quality control team to verify all details provided. Once verified, the data is promptly transferred to your firm through API configuration, email, or post URL, along with the claimant’s application. This meticulous approach ensures that only the highest quality AFFF live-transfer leads reach your firm, minimizing the risk of unqualified or irrelevant leads.
Why Choose The Legal Leads For Comprehensive AFFF Lawsuit Lead Generation?
Choosing The Legal Leads means opting for verified, high-quality AFFF legal leads that are tailored to meet your firm’s unique criteria. This approach ensures a higher likelihood of success for your AFFF lawsuit cases. We specialize in providing AFFF live-transfer leads and operate on a cost-per-acquisition (CPA) model, effectively reducing the expense associated with acquiring lower-quality leads. Additionally, we offer guaranteed filters, ensuring that any AFFF legal lead that does not meet your specified criteria will be replaced at no additional cost. As AFFF lawsuit updates continue to evolve, it is crucial to partner with a provider that understands the intricacies of this legal landscape. We are committed to offering ongoing support to help your firm achieve optimal results. Whether you are seeking AFFF lawsuit settlement amounts or looking to position yourself as the best law firm for AFFF lawsuits, The Legal Leads is your trusted partner for success!

Our Process

How It Works

100% Exclusive AFFF Leads


Through the various means of marketing we deploy, including landing pages, radio, tv, & social media, we receive the initial inquiry from the potential client.


Depending on the tort, our trained intake agents run the potential client through an extensive intake form.


The potential clients is then transferred to our in-house quality control department to verify that all information on the intake form is correct.


Your team will then receive the live-transfer lead via email, API Configuration, or post URL

Live-Transfer Leads



Leads will be instantly delivered to your email of choosing.

API Configuration

Fully integrate the process of acquiring leads with your API.

Post URL

Deliver new leads via HTTP POST to a URL of your choosing.

afff lawsuit update

21 Question Intake Form

All of our AFFF Live Transfer Leads come with a rigorous, fully-customizable 21 question intake form mini application. Here is a sample of an intake form for these AFFF legal leads.

Download Now!

Custom intake form - Use you firm’s intake!

afff lawsuit news

What is AFFF?

Aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) is a specialized fire suppressant designed to tackle fires fueled by flammable liquids, such as gasoline or oil. When dispensed, AFFF forms a thin film that blankets the flammable liquid, rapidly cooling the fire and simultaneously blocking the access of oxygen to the combustible material, which in turn prevents re-ignition. This innovative foam's ability to reseal itself promptly after being disrupted enhances its effectiveness in containing and extinguishing flammable liquid fires.

AFFF Poisoning Side Effects

While some of the Exposure to toxic chemicals found in AFFFused in firefighting, such as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and other persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBT) chemicals, has been associated with an increased risk of developing various forms of cancer. This has resulted in the filing of numerous lawsuits to seek justice for those affected. More specifically, prolonged exposure to PFAS has been linked to an elevated risk of developing conditions such as:

  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Colorectal cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Kidney cancer
  • Bladder cancer
  • Liver cancer
  • Leukemia
  • Breast cancer
  • Testicular cancer
  • Mesothelioma

Companies Responsible for AFFF Injuries

There are various companies that supply AFFF firefighting foam to fire departments, airports, and military bases. These companies have been named as defendants in AFFF lawsuits, and include the following:

  • 3M Company
  • DuPont
  • Chemours
  • Kidde-Fenwal
  • Chemguard
  • Tyco Fire Products
  • Dynax Corporation
  • National Foam, Inc.
  • Buckeye Fire Equipment Co.

About the AFFF Lawsuitt

Lawsuits filed by individuals affected by AFFF firefighting foams seek to address the diverse impacts of AFFF exposure and hold responsible parties accountable for the harm caused. The types of AFFF Firefighting Foam Lawsuits being filed cover a wide range of issues to address the various impacts of exposure to AFFF, including.

  • Lawsuits filed by employees: These lawsuits involve employees who handled AFFF directly.
  • Non-occupational exposure lawsuits: These claims include those exposed to contaminated soil or water where AFFF was typically used.
  • Product liability lawsuits: In these lawsuits, individuals allege that manufacturers did not warn users about the possible risks associated with using AFFF.
  • Wrongful death lawsuits: Individuals can file lawsuits on behalf of their loved ones who passed away because of a condition that can be linked to AFFF exposure.

AFFF Lawsuit Update 2024

Numerous individual lawsuits regarding firefighter foam have been filed in courts throughout the United States. The latest AFFF lawsuit news reveals that lawsuits related to Aqueous Film-Forming Foam filed in federal courts have been combined into a multidistrict litigation (MDL) in the District of South Carolina. The first trials are anticipated to take place in 2024. As of June 2024, there are more than 8,000 cases in the AFFF MDL. Many of the plaintiffs are firefighters, U.S. military veterans, and airport workers who were exposed to AFFF chemicals while on duty. The AFFF lawsuit status is closely monitored as these cases progress, with many plaintiffs seeking significant AFFF lawsuit settlements for the harm caused by exposure. For attorneys and law firms handling these cases, The Legal Leads offers AFFF legal leads for lawyers, ensuring access to qualified claimants affected by AFFF exposure.

afff lawsuit news
Custom-Built Campaigns

Customization Options: Building Campaigns Your Way

Explore the limitless potential of your legal marketing strategy with our diverse customization options. From tailoring Google and Facebook ads campaigns to match your brand and objectives, to crafting precision messages that resonate with your target audience.


Customize campaigns to align with your goals.


Personalize campaigns to fit your budget.


Target keywords that matter most to you.


Focus on specific regions that are key to your practice.


Customize reporting for insights that matter.


Our Pricing Models

Our tailored pricing options are designed to fit your legal lead generation needs.

Pre-Screened Calls on a CPA Model (Cost-Per-Acquisition)

The CPA model is ideal for firms looking to minimize risk and maximize conversion rates. With this model, you invest in verified results, ensuring your marketing budget is spent on positive outcomes.

Get Started

You only pay for leads that convert into signed clients!


We aim for 60-80% conversion rates.

Pre-Screened Calls on a CPQT Model (Cost-Per-Qualified-Transfers)

The CPQT model focuses on providing you with leads that precisely match your specified criteria. You are only charged when a caller meets your exact requirements, ensuring high relevance and quality.

Get Started

There is a 5-day return window for leads that do not meet your criteria.


You only pay when a caller meets your exact criteria requirements.

Most Popular

Three-Step Lead Verification Process



Initial Inquiry and Certification

Upon inquiry, leads undergo a preliminary check using lead certification technologies such as Jornaya and TrustedForm.



Email and Information Confirmation

Following their initial interaction, leads are prompted via email and on our thank-you pages to verify their email addresses and the accuracy of their submitted information.



Final Verification

Before a lead is passed to our clients, it undergoes a final verification where the lead confirms their eligibility criteria, such as their diagnosis, via a comprehensive verification form.

Ensuring Quality and Compliance

Each step in our process is designed to build a reliable pipeline of qualified mass tort leads that meet the specific criteria of law firms. By maintaining stringent quality controls and adhering to compliance standards, we ensure that every lead provided maximizes potential case outcomes and ROI for our clients.

EnsuringQuality afff lawsuit status
