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3m bair hugger blanket lawsuit

3M Bair Hugger Legal Leads Tailored to Your Needs!

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3M Bair Hugger Legal Leads

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All of our 3M Bair Hugger Live Transfer Leads come with the following guarantees, or your lead will be replaced at no additional cost.

Our 3M Bair Hugger Legal Lead Guarantee

Client has a qualifying medical condition.


Client underwent surgery using a 3M Bair Hugger Device.


Diagnosed with qualifying medical condition after exposure to 3M Bair Hugger


Not working with any other attorneys.


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3M Bair Hugger Legal Leads Offer Impactful Action Lawsuits & Settlements

The 3M Bair Hugger is a widely used medical device designed to maintain a patient's body temperature during surgery by providing warm air. However, concerns have arisen as recent studies suggest that the 3M Bair Hugger may inadvertently disrupt the airflow in the operating room, potentially leading to an increased risk of surgical site infections. This has resulted in a wave of 3M Bair Hugger lawsuit filings by individuals who have suffered complications. These cases have been consolidated into a class action MDL (Multidistrict Litigation), commonly referred to as the 3M Surgical Warming Device Lawsuit or the 3M Bair Hugger Blanket Lawsuit.

At The Legal Leads, we specialize in generating high-quality 3M Bair Hugger legal leads and signed retainers for individuals affected by this device. Our leads are specifically tailored to meet the unique criteria and timelines of your law firm. When a potential claimant contacts us for Bair Hugger Legal Advice, they undergo a comprehensive pre-qualification process handled by our skilled intake agents. This process is customized to align with your firm's specific requirements, ensuring that we only pass on the most qualified leads. Our in-house quality control team meticulously verifies all information before transferring the call to your law firm, minimizing the risk of unqualified leads.

Why Choose The Legal Leads For Your Bair Hugger Legal Claims?

Choosing The Legal Leads means partnering with a team committed to providing the most reliable 3M Bair Hugger legal leads available. We understand the complexities of Bair Hugger Legal Claims and work diligently to ensure our leads meet the stringent criteria set by your firm. We offer live transfer leads on a cost-per-acquisition (CPA) model, which significantly reduces the cost associated with purchasing low-quality leads. Additionally, we provide guaranteed filters, ensuring that if a Bair Hugger legal lead does not meet your specifications, we will replace it at no extra charge.

Our expertise extends to connecting claimants with experienced 3M Bair Hugger Attorneys who can provide Legal Help for Bair Hugger Cases. Whether you are dealing with Surgical Infection Compensation, pursuing 3M Bair Hugger Settlements, or managing a Bair Hugger Class Action, our leads can help bolster your case portfolio. With our rigorous lead verification process, you can be confident in the quality and relevance of the leads you receive from The Legal Leads.

Our Process

How It Works

100% Exclusive 3M Bair Hugger Leads


Through the various means of marketing we deploy, including landing pages, radio, tv, & social media, we receive the initial inquiry from the potential client.


Depending on the tort, our trained intake agents run the potential client through an extensive intake form.


The potential clients is then transferred to our in-house quality control department to verify that all information on the intake form is correct.


Your team will then receive the live-transfer lead via email, API Configuration, or post URL

Live-Transfer Leads



Leads will be instantly delivered to your email of choosing.

API Configuration

Fully integrate the process of acquiring leads with your API.

Post URL

Deliver new leads via HTTP POST to a URL of your choosing.

3M Bair Hugger Attorney

20 Question Intake Form

All of our 3M Bair Hugger Live Transfer Leads come with a rigorous, fully-customizable 20 question intake form mini application. Here is a sample of an intake form for these 3M Bair Hugger legal leads.

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Custom intake form - Use you firm’s intake!

Bair Hugger Legal Advice

What is 3M Bair Hugger?

The 3M Bair Hugger is an innovative temperature management system designed to maintain optimal body temperature for patients undergoing surgical procedures. This comprehensive system comprises specially designed warming blankets and gowns, coupled with a sophisticated temperature monitoring system. The Bair Hugger has revolutionized patient care by offering safe and effective warming therapy, contributing to improved outcomes for surgical patients worldwide.

3M Bair Hugger Side Effects Leading To Multiple Complications

The 3M Bair Hugger has been linked to a range of potential side effects, including:

The 3M Bair Hugger has been linked to a range of potential side effects, leading to numerous 3M Bair Hugger complications. Among the most serious are infections, where the forced air system used by the blanket can introduce bacteria and other contaminants into a patient's body during surgery. This can result in severe infections, such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and deep joint infections. These infections may cause intense pain, fever, chills, night sweats, fatigue, swelling, stiffness, and wound drainage. In some 3m lawsuit bair hugger cases, these infections are so severe that they are untreatable with antibiotics or implant revision surgeries, necessitating amputation to prevent further damage. Additional complications may include organ damage, permanent cartilage and bone damage, and, in the most extreme cases, death. In addition to infections, other reported side effects of the 3M Bair Hugger include burns, rashes, and even hypothermia. Individuals experiencing these issues have sought Bair Hugger Lawyer Consultation to explore their legal options.


Companies Involved in the 3M Bair Hugger Lawsuit Legal Battle

The 3M Company is currently facing more than 5,000 lawsuits, with claimants alleging that the company was negligent and failed to adequately warn users about the potential risks associated with the Bair Hugger. This ongoing legal battle includes multiple 3M class action lawsuits for the Bair Hugger, which have been active for several years. The 3M Bair Hugger lawsuit 2018 and 3M Bair Hugger lawsuit 2019 are notable periods where the number of cases surged. As of 2024, these lawsuits remain pending in Minnesota, continuing to draw attention as more individuals seek justice through the 3M lawsuit for the Bair Hugger.


About the 3M Bair Hugger Lawsuit

As of January 2024, the number of lawsuits filed against 3M Company has surpassed 5,000. These legal actions allege that the Bair Hugger device is associated with serious infections and complications, particularly in patients who have undergone hip and knee replacement surgeries. The lawsuits argue that 3M is at fault for not providing adequate warnings about the potential risks of the device and for failing to conduct thorough testing before bringing it to the market.


3M Bair Hugger Lawsuit Update 2024


In 2024, approximately 5,250 Bair Hugger lawsuits are awaiting resolution. Despite this significant number, only one Bellwether trial has been conducted so far, and the outcome was a defense verdict.


In 2021, a significant legal battle unfolded as over 5000 lawsuits concerning Bair Hugger warming devices were initiated. Initially, the lawsuits were dismissed by the overseeing judge due to doubts regarding the theory connecting Bair Huggers to an increased risk of infection. However, on August 23, 2021, a Federal Court of Appeals reversed this decision, reinstating the lawsuits. The United States Supreme Court subsequently declined to hear 3M's appeal.


In December 2015, a federal panel decided to consolidate 14 lawsuits that claimed Bair Hugger devices were responsible for infections. These cases were combined into multidistrict litigation (MDL) and were heard in the United States District Court for the District of Minnesota.

3M Bair Hugger Attorney
Custom-Built Campaigns

Customization Options: Building Campaigns Your Way

Explore the limitless potential of your legal marketing strategy with our diverse customization options. From tailoring Google and Facebook ads campaigns to match your brand and objectives, to crafting precision messages that resonate with your target audience.


Customize campaigns to align with your goals.


Personalize campaigns to fit your budget.


Target keywords that matter most to you.


Focus on specific regions that are key to your practice.


Customize reporting for insights that matter.


Our Pricing Models

Our tailored pricing options are designed to fit your legal lead generation needs.

Pre-Screened Calls on a CPA Model (Cost-Per-Acquisition)

The CPA model is ideal for firms looking to minimize risk and maximize conversion rates. With this model, you invest in verified results, ensuring your marketing budget is spent on positive outcomes.

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You only pay for leads that convert into signed clients!


We aim for 60-80% conversion rates.

Pre-Screened Calls on a CPQT Model (Cost-Per-Qualified-Transfers)

The CPQT model focuses on providing you with leads that precisely match your specified criteria. You are only charged when a caller meets your exact requirements, ensuring high relevance and quality.

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There is a 5-day return window for leads that do not meet your criteria.


You only pay when a caller meets your exact criteria requirements.

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Three-Step Lead Verification Process



Initial Inquiry and Certification

Upon inquiry, leads undergo a preliminary check using lead certification technologies such as Jornaya and TrustedForm.



Email and Information Confirmation

Following their initial interaction, leads are prompted via email and on our thank-you pages to verify their email addresses and the accuracy of their submitted information.



Final Verification

Before a lead is passed to our clients, it undergoes a final verification where the lead confirms their eligibility criteria, such as their diagnosis, via a comprehensive verification form.

Ensuring Quality and Compliance

Each step in our process is designed to build a reliable pipeline of qualified mass tort leads that meet the specific criteria of law firms. By maintaining stringent quality controls and adhering to compliance standards, we ensure that every lead provided maximizes potential case outcomes and ROI for our clients.

Bair Hugger Legal Claims
